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Proof Of Concept Dhall roundtrip IPC node.
My .xmonad config.
Simple stack library for smoke testing.
Simple haskell.nix application for smoke testing.
Domain modelling toolkit for problem solvers.
Icons for gitlab.homotopic.tech.
The website https://homotopic.tech
ToDhall and FromDhall instances for composite records.
Silly little withXField combinators for adding fields to an existing JSON value.
Minimal prelude with PolyKinds.
Alternative composite record format for pandoc.
Dhall decoder for compdoc.
Write a Cofree [] as a JSON value with "head" and "tail" elements.
MonadThrow behaviour for composite aeson parsing.
WriteOnly indicators for composite-aeson.
Tuple functions for composite records.
HKD ReaderT pattern for composite.
HashMap lookup lifted to MonadThrow.
Binary instance for ixset-typed.
Conversions from ixset-typed to other containers.